Quick Update!

Quick Update!

Hello Everyone,

It's been a long time since I have written anything here, but trust me I was putting in some crazy amount of time and effort at Oracle and also with my Master's application. After all the efforts, I am now at Georgia State University's J. Mack Robinson College Of Business, pursuing my Master's in Information Systems and my major is Big Data Analytics.

So now, I have some new targets that I have to hit. One of them is getting hired by a very good company for either an internship or a full-time role. Given the timeline which is followed in the USA, companies are recruiting for Summer 2023 Internships. I will be applying for Software Developer and Data Analyst roles. So the upcoming blogs will be about the new technologies that we will learn and also about the old concepts that we will revise. Like always I will try to explain things in a very simple way, which can be useful to you guys as well.

I will be trying to upload blogs twice every week. I hope I can keep up with it as I also have college assignments and my Assistantship work to deal with it.

That's all for today! See you in the next blog!